Tuesday, May 24, 2005

will write for food...

well i just got in from my nightly routine. the gym. I haven't weighed myself in a few days, but last time i did i weighed in at 202 and a 1/2. So I'm almost under 200 (i might be by now for all i know) which is a good goal. the weight hasn't come off super fast, but then again i'm not complaining. I'm knocking it off the healthy way, with exercise and a actual good diet. about 25 pounds in a month? heck, I'll take it. let's just hope i can lose another 20 by july 2nd. which happens to be my bro's wedding. i want to do it for my self, but i think maybe 1% wants me to do it for "her." And what I mean by that is, she will be at the wedding. So I want her to see what she's missing out on. Call it childish, call it me being bitter, but hey, it's her loss afterall, might as well stick her nose in it. Am I wrong for that? Yes, but I don't care.

Well speaking of her, I have had some requests (well pretty much just from BH) to write the story of me and "her" (Sully). I have to say I have given it some thought, but I haven't yet started it. And I'm not sure I will, well not anytime soon. I have been itching to write, and by finally finishing the little saga of Gaby, I've been kind of without anything to work on. So the story of "her" is a bit tempting. But if you know me, I'm a bit lazy sometimes. I like to write, but I take my time doing it, so I wont't miss any details. I would have to say the whole thing with Gaby last from June 01 until the end in February 02. So roughly the whole story was a time period of 9 months. From start to finish. But the whole saga of "her" lasted from about the same time as I met Gaby (because they knew met not long after we all did) down to this very day. So that's like 4 years folks. If I turned 9 months into a 22 part story, can you imagine how long 4 years worth would be? That's a lot of writing. So will I attempt to tackle the story? Maybe. I thought it was near impossible for the Gaby story to be finished, and I did that. I guess as long as you guys out there are reading and enjoying, I'll keep writing. If not the story of "her" then I was going to work on adapting the Gaby story to a screenplay. Not that I think it would ever make a good movie, but just for the fact that I wanted to do it all along. I actually started writing the story down just as a way to get all the facts out, so I wouldn't forget. Like a novel, and then I was going to adapt a screen play of it. Either way I might start working on that. What do you guys think? Think that would make a decent movie? I'm sure you can embelish on certain things and change it up a bit. Maybe add some explosions? hehe. Actually when I was younger, I started writing a screenplay, but never finished it. I had a friend help out on it, but he moved and I haven't talked to him in years. So maybe I will dig that out of the boxes and attempt to finish that. I don't know if my writing is good enough for the movies, but considering fine works of writing like The Core and Gigli became movies, I figure I got a shot. Why not? Maybe I can earn some cash from it. So what do you guys think? Should I try a screen play? You guys have seen my writing, think I can do well?


tom said...

Robbie, you know we enjoy your writing. Besides you should do it for you. Healing processes and all that. Anyway, you know April would be more than happy to help you out with that...

Roberto Campana said...

Don't sweat it Veronica. Just try to remain sane and calm. And no need for apologies, it's all good. :)

Yeah I would do write it for me. But it helps to know people appreciate it. The fact that you were reading the story of gaby, and waiting for me to finish the next part kept me writing. So I owe my thanks to you.

Big Heavy said...

bigheavy must impose his will on those around him!! it is his way!!

just kidding berto. i just dig your style. you have such a straight forward innocence about you. that's hard to find anymore. it's a cool thing.