Tuesday, July 05, 2005

New Day, New Week, New Start....

Well it's done. My brother's wedding went off without a hitch. It actually was a very elegant yet simple wedding. I would say no more then 100 people attended the reception, which was very, very nice. It was at The Dominion afterall. Dinner was actually very good, a chicken dish with veggies, bread, water or wine. Plus they had a cash bar, so if you wanted some bubbly or a cold cerveza you could. The music (which myself and matt were responsible for) went great, and everyone seemed to enjoy the selection. Everyone danced for hours, yes, including myself. Actually being the only "single" male there I actually quite the selection of dance partners. I tried to level out the playing field though, dancing with each female once. It was pretty funny though, all the guys were married! The closest single guy isn't even going to be single for much longer. His marriage being scheduled for September. So besides him, I was the only unmarried man there. And speaking of myself, I was feeling good myself. I had my new black suit on, my new shirt and tie and shoes on with it. Well basically everything I had on was new besides my watch and undershirt. Suprisingly I was having a good hair day and it styled the right way the first time I tried. So with styled hair, new clothes and a good amount of cologne (had to smell good) I had a good time. Most of the time I was running around making sure everyone was having a good time, but I found some time to dance and act a fool.

And as some of you might be curious to know, "she" was there. Well her and her sister Gaby. They actually got there late and missed dinner, because they had to drive from Houston. They actually both looked very nice (Gaby a little better actually) and I got to dance with each one. I would have to admit the dance with Gaby was a better, us laughing and talking the entire way through. The dance with Sully was ok, we talked a bit, but of course it was not the same as before. I guess the days of me and her being so close are finally gone. And good riddance. I would have to say that when I was dancing with her I felt 0% emotion when I was dancing with her. No old memories kicked in, no feelings for her came back, nothing. She was just a girl I knew, a memory. And that was great. I wasn't angry with her, I wasn't uncomfortable that she was there, if anything I was happy she was. When I asked her to dance she seemed a bit suprised as if I wasn't going to ask her. But of course, what kind of guy would I be to not dance with her? If I can't put the past behind me and let it all go, then how can I move on with the future? She didn't actually speak to me much, just a bit here and there. And that's perfectly fine with me. The friendship is in her hands now. I used to try and try, and now that I'm not trying, the true motives and the effort that she really shows is visible. So if we don't talk, it's not because of me being a butthead. It's funny how it all works out isn't it? And it really has.

So now as my brother is married, I am truly the last one. The last single man in the family. I wish I had a dollar for everytime I heard "your next!" that night. And am I next? Maybe. But it will be a while still. So as my apartment is quiet, and there is just me, I look for brighter days ahead. I hope my brother and his new wife are happy, they deserve to be. And as for me, life continues as usual.

P.S. Pictures are coming soon.


tom said...

Hate to say it, but... you're next! Heck you're the only one left! Honestly it's not a matter of if, but when.

As far as the comment of your brother and new sister-in-law... yeah, I hope they are happy too... But I have my opinions they and are better kept to myself...

So, when you get married, can I be your best man?

btw, were you the best man for kev?

Roberto Campana said...

Yeah I know I'm the only one left. But it will be a while, I mean if I have anything to do with the decision.

Everyone has their opinions of them. Including myself. But oh well, it's their marriage.

I'm sure a lot people wondered who their wedding party was, and actually it was no one. They none. They just had Kevin waiting at the end of the aisle, and letting being walked down by her dad. No best man, no maid of honor, no wedding party. Just them. It was actually pretty simple and easy. I don't know who I would choose for my best man if I even had wedding party, you'd be in the running though.

Cece Martinez said...

Hurry up with those pictures!

Roberto Campana said...

name calling will get you nowhere with me cece. unless you call me "big papi chulo" then that might.

hehe. just wait.

lextc said...

glad to hear it went well! and hows the job situation? did the pee work out for you?

Cece Martinez said...

*tapping foot*

LMFAO! And that wasn't a typo either.

Roberto Campana said...

big papi culo?? hahaha....ok, your gonna get it now cece.