Well everyone, things have changed once again. As I write this post, I am sitting in the public library in Iowa Falls, Iowa. Now I know what your thinking. Iowa? What? Why Iowa? Well as it turns out, I needed a break. A break from the big city, a break from unemployment, a break from it all. So I came here, to Iowa Falls, Iowa. It's a bit drastic change, coming from San Antonio which is about 2 million people to a town that has about 5200. But it was a welcome change, a change from the hectic life and stresses of the big city, to a more simpler, calmer life style. The weather here isn't too bad right now either, I think their definition of "sooo hot" was about 84 degrees. So then I'm sure some of you have questions, WHY? probably being the first one. Well there are many reasons, but the first one and the most important one is because I needed change. I didn't like how I was living in SA, I didn't like the people I knew, and I just wasn't happy there. I don't expect being here in a smaller town to all of a sudden be a huge source of fun and happiness, but it is a bit more relaxing. It gives me some oppurtunities that I was lacking in SA. Like work. I already have a job here, and it's been less then a week. That was one of major reasons I had thought about moving here, for work and the fact that I can actually "save" money here, where as in the big city I was prone to spend it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that my mind has changed. I am no longer all about the big city, and all the things that it offers. I just don't care about those things anymore. Now don't get me wrong, I love San Antonio, I love Texas, I love the fact that I'm from there, and I am proud of my hometown. But my relationship with the city had kind of soured lately. It's always been a love/hate relationship, and lately it had been more hate then love. So I knew it was time to go. I had a good oppurtunity to come up here for a year (yes only a year or so) and work hard and catch up on things I had slacked on. So I did it. It was my decision to make, and I made it. So to everyone back in Texas, I will miss you but don't worry I will be ok. I'm calmer, I'm happier and I have goals ahead of me to work on. So as the next year unfolds I'll still keep everyone updated, same crazy me, just now a new place. I'm sure my crazy life will find something to throw at me, it's never disappointed me so far.
good luck dude.
apryl: yeah, it's good to be here.
ruben: thanks ruben, you keep on keeping on yourself :)
bh: thanks bro.
Vero: Vero!!! Thanks! It was hard moving, I mean like I was missing SA, but literally it was a pain to pack everything and move.
And you? How you been? Well u know what I'll just email you.
Now you won't come visit me ever again. BOOOOO!
If YOU are happy, then I am happy.
Cuz we love you.
Cece: Thanks :) Your the best. Really.
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