Well I just thought I would take some time out to thank someone. My cousin's cousin Crystal. See the thing is, I am no 'cake walk' to put up with. If anything I am a pain in the $#@#!!! But somehow, she finds a way to put up with me. Why? I don't really know actually, but she does and I appreciate that. See she is younger then me, but she is wise beyond her years. It seems as the days go by, she becomes smarter and wiser by leaps and bounds. Do I feel threatened by her intelligence and logic? Of course! Don't all mindless bafoons like myself feel threatened by intelligent, strong and independent women? And the fact that she is younger does not help my confidence, how smart is she going to be when she is my age? Is there any real way of knowing? Either way, like I stated before I wanted to say thanks. Thanks to a really sweet young girl, who cares a lot about other people and their welfare. I am privileged to be in the midst of such a person at such a young age. Such grace and character, I should be taking notes so I can learn from her. If only this old fool wouldn't be so stubborn.
awww... thanks robbie! ur so sweet, sometimes!
If I was sweet ALL the time, how would you know the difference?
It's the contrast that matters.
Thanks robbie! and as for u april... luvs always. ; )
April: I'm telling.
CRG: No Problem.
what you wrote about Crystal was just beautiful.you are a much deeper person than you let people know.Why do you keep it hidden? Let your light shine!
From Tia
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