found this on a old email I sent to Sully when I learned she was sick with flu:
"And your sick? Yeah that flu is really bad, I hope you feel better, take care of yourself. Rest and eat soup and drink hot tea. I think that helps. Yeah, Poor you. Atleast your mom and family will take care of you, when I get sick, I got no one, just got the cat. And hes not too good at making soup."
funny how it was back then. now though, i dont even have the cat to take care of me. I guess now that I am feeling sick, I shall die alone. Nice knowing you all.
I would take care of you,but the last time when I was sick and coughing up hair balls,what did you do for me? You just laughed at me and gave me a saucer of cold milk! Do you really think that cold milk would have made me feel better? Well,it didn't and I will never forgive you for that! If you want some sympathy,why don't you call somebody who cares? Don't you have any furry friends in Iowa or is your life there so pathetic that nobody wants to be your friend? Next time maybe you will be kinder to me! By the way,I actually Love living here at the Animal Defense League! At least the people here treat me better!
So,don't worry about me anymore,just try and help yourself!
If you are wondering how I typed this post,well,we are allowed one hour a day for computor time,and the black lab showed me how to type
cat: your a genius. i mean that black lab is.
How sad....April, aren't you taking care of him?
I can't do anything that's not in my power. Take care and get well. And drink hot tea with honey.
lol, when penelope cruz said that in Vanilla Sky and Tom Cruise went CRAZY immediately afterwards I thought, "wow, he's such a great actor"... looks like the dude wasn't acting at all.
go figure.
i hear grey goose works wonders for the ailing.
jane: thanks. but i expect nothing. so i guess i wont be dissapointed.
meg: yeah, go figure. i watched that lastnight. oh and im honored you commented. :)
apryl: i know. call me a whaambulance. order me a whaaamburger and some french cries. i know, i know. get it all out now.
What did the doctor say?
What kind of meds did he prescibe?
Maybe you just have the LOVE Bug?
Be careful if you do,that bug can kill a healthy man!
krazy: its a sinus infection, and could be the flu if i dont take meds. Love Bug? Doubtful. Maybe the Like Bug.
the like bug is the begginning stages, its to early to tell, yet.
You guys are all insane.
And by the way, why don't men like to take whats good for them? Craziness I say:)
Jane: cause we are stubborn mules.
and you know this!
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