Thursday, December 01, 2005

welcome back friend

Me: Yo! Where in @$@# have you been?

McRib: well you know...

Me: yeah i know how it is. so are you back then?

McRib: yeah, looks like it.

Me: sweet, are you back at your mom's house?

McRib: Yeah, but not for long. It's kinda freaking me out...

Me: I bet, having her asking you where you going and all that crap

McRib: exactly, I'm not used to getting the 3rd degree when I get home,

Me: yeah it sucks. well bro, give a call later, we'll do something.

McRib: cool, gotta be cheap, im low on the fundage

Me: No problemo, we can get cheap bite to eat. maybe Micky D's

McRib: how about chinese?

Me: even better.

McRib: alright cool, let me know.

Me: sweet. laterz bro.

McRib: Peace.


lextc said...


Anonymous said...

Formed and processed meat has always scared me my friend. Not sure why! :-)

Anonymous said...

What kind of Meds are you taking,Bro?
Gonna share with everyone?

Roberto Campana said...

steph: i have no idea what i was thinking when i wrote this post.

ruben: i ate a mcrib the other day. it was interesting to say the least.

mcrib: not strong enough ones evidently.

Anonymous said...

Oh My God, You really are CRAZY! but then again, so is everyone else in this world that is not me. oh well, insanity is just a state of mind and we all know you never use your mind. so it's technically not being wasted.