Friday, July 09, 2004

Numero Uno Post

Ok, so this is my first post. Am I excited? Not really. Ha Ha. Well I'm here at work, been here since noon, and will be here until 9 pm. Joy. Today has been a weird day. Got some new shoes. A bumper for my car. A nosebleed. I think I have cancer and I'm going to die. Not today, it's Friday. I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow. Oh yeah, I'm taking Henry to the airport. He's going to California for like 11 days. The house will be quiet. As if it is ever loud. Just me and Lucci. And the occasional Kevin. I really need to clean my room. It's been ages since I have, and I don't even know what the floor looks like any more. Just Kidding. Maybe. I have a headache now. I've never had a bloody nose before, it kinda freaked me out. Blood isn't supposed to just come flying out of your nose like that. Unless I got punched and didn't know, I don't think I did? I've been stuck on this one song lately. "Asthenia" by Blink. Has anyone heard it? You know I thought that was a weird word. The whole time I thought it was some girls name or something. But it actually means feeling very drained and tired. Having no body strength. Hmm...Interesting. I wonder why they picked that word. Maybe they were just having fun with the thesaurus. The song is good though, very thought provoking. For those of you who dissect song lyrics like I do, you might find the words applicable to a part of your life. I did. Well all, I can't think of anything else to say and my head is pounding. Ouch. Hope all is well with all of you,wherever you might be in this world. Adios.

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