Monday, October 18, 2004

monday at 15%

well i thought i would take a little break from my blog. maybe i had writers block, maybe i wanted it to seem my life is so interesting and busy i hardly have time for it. I guess figured i would let "something happen" that way i could actually write something with substance. but of course nothing has really happened. so your stuck with the same old me again. well, actually some new developements have ocurred. i had a old friend email me recently, turns out she works for Wamu also now. Haven't seen or heard from her in a few years, so it's nice to catch up. Many things have changed since those earlier days, when i was 17 and life was more carefree. It's funny to even think my life was at one time carefree. But those days have passed, they leave me be, and I do likewise.

The biggest developement so far in my life is closer to home. In my own room actually. Because I embarked on a huge journey. I started cleaning. Yes, me, Robert Kendall Bell, I've started cleaning my room. Now most of you, well probably all of you don't know what type of undertaking this is. For the record, I don't keep food in my room. I never take any type of food in my room. So there is not rotting flesh under my bed, no hardened pasta stuck to my table, no petrified bits of apple under my pillow. Now my room is messy yes, but with clothes and papers, not with food. So get that out of your minds. But even without food, it's quite an undertaking. Years and years of clothes, most of which need to be donated or sold at the thrift store. But I won't stop there. No by cleaning this room, I'm reinventing myself. Leaving the old me behind, putting it in the trash bags with all the other old bills and endless receipts from meaningless past purchases. I have big plans for my room. Simplicity, Comfort, only what i want in there. When I'm done, it might look empty to some, but i believe in less is more. I'm not so much a minimalist, but I think the less stuff you have, the less you have to keep clean. And over the years, I have not been able to do that. For lack of better words, I have too much crap. I spent my time and money on so many things I thought I wanted, and never on the things I really needed. Actually I still dont have thing's I really really wanted. I wanted a table, a chair, a laptop, a bed, a dresser drawer, and a tidy closet. Sometimes getting down to that seemed impossible, but I'm getting there. Slowly but surely. I'll send more progress updates on the room. But as of now I'd say I'm about 15% finished. I can see a portion of the floor again, which means my theory that I'm hovering on a layer of clothes is false. Back to the Drawing Board I guess. I think I will even post pictures of the finished product, so all of you can gawk and be amazed. Or atleast laugh and point. Either reaction is exceptable and expected.

1 comment:

lextc said...

im free to help with organizing tips.