Wednesday, April 27, 2005

day one of hell

Carns darn it! Fiddle sticks and poopy crackers! Caca Pee-Pee Pedo!

I don't want to say the real cuss words, so those will have to do. But man, I'll tell you what that Personal Trainer kicked my butt today. I think the word "trainer" should be replaced with "person who makes you work harder and feel more pain than anyone else." Maybe "Personal Beater Upper?" Either way, it was good for me. He had me doing exercises I had never dreamed of, bending my body in ways I never dreamt it could bend. At one point we had to stop, because I felt extremely light headed. Me? Light headed? Yup. For one of the first time in my life, I felt like I might actually faint. No matter how buzzes I've had from cerveza, none of them compared to this. Beer is a good buzz, this, was a hot, tired, sweaty, feel like I'm going to throw up feeling. But hey, it was my fault. Our session was at 12 (high noon) and I didn't eat anything for breakfast. I shouldn't have gone in there on a empty stomach. A mistake I won't be making again. So now tonight, I'll have a grilled chicken salad and await Saturday, the day of my first official session (today was a freebie). So until then, I'll diet and do some cardio and work on the abs. I'm gonna do this, even if it kills me. Then atleast I'd be a thinner corpse.

1 comment:

Roberto Campana said...

Thanks Vero. It's not too bad I guess. Ok, it is. But that's exercise for you.

And give yourself some credit Vero. Your not chicken sh**, maybe dog or cow, but not chicken sh**.

hehe :)