who with now? you might ask. don't worry, not anyone i can actually date. just some cute female, who happens to be a famous international pop singer. like i said, not anyone I can actually date. I was looking at a variety website, I call them that because they put funny pics and funny signs and videos and all that caca on one website. and they had a link for some pics of shakira. now i've never been a huge shakira fan, i mean i liked a few of her songs (the ones in english i could understand) and all that. but I never really thought she was all that attractive, I mean she's pretty, and down right cute, but not a super model type, not a woman that blows your mind away (like Gisele Bundchen, rawwwr!!) But I always thought of her as cute, ok, she is beautiful. I guess with her you like her for her music and her dance, not so much her looks. Where as people like Jessica Simpson for her ditzyness and her looks and not her music, Shakira is the opposite. She has looks, but they aren't her only talent. So anyways, I clicked on this link and up came so pics of her that I had never seen before. I'm guessing they have to be pretty recent because the website is pretty up to date. So anyways, I saw these pics, and now I've fallen in love with Shakira. Yeah, I know, poor me. In the pics (below) you will notice that she actually really does have a cute face, nice teeth, cute little freckles, and a nice tan. But what stands out to me is her hair. That natural look of I just got off a airplane and my hair is all messed up and crazy and everywhere. For some reason I find big hair attractive. And I don't mean like the girls in a B-52's video, I mean like fluffy, frizzy big hair, almost Robert Smith like. For some reason, that is a weakness to me. It's like cryptonite to my mind, it's makes me a little more defenseless. I found this out years ago actually. There was a girl at work that had ok regular hair, it was long, but she kept it pulled back most of the time. Then one day, she came in and suddenly there was this lion like mane around her head. She said her hair was naturally a little curly, and when she didn't pull it back or straighten it, it did that. And my jaw just hit the floor. Just by her hair alone, she looked 100% more attractive. Her hair actually resembled Shakira's hair in the pic's below. Almost the same color, and almost exactly the same style. There was another girl at my work that had rather curly hair, and she kept it long also. And when she wore it "dry" which i mean without hair product in it, it frizzed up also. She would pull it back a little, and it would almost make a little fro. She too, well her hair, became very attractive. So for some reason, I like big hair. And like I said, when I say "big hair" I don't mean like a big bee hive, or a big mexican perm (yuck). It has to be that in between, the natural frizzyness. Is Shakira's hair naturally like that? I have no idea, but the girls that I worked with were. Is it because I'm from Texas? and us Texans love big hair on women? Is it because I'm a product of a upbringing in the 80's when big frizzy hair was in? I'm just not quite sure. Whatever it is though, I hope someday to end up with a woman with hair like Shakira's. Whenever, Wherever, as long as her hair's big and frizzy, I'm there.




edward: ok ok! she is uber hot!! u happy now! thanks for the link. :)
vero: I HATE YOU! (well not really).
dude, how was the raft trip??
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