Well as I was saying, things are still uncertain for me. Big suprise. I actually got a email from Classmates.com about a new classmate that I guess tried to get a hold of me. Me? Considering I had a total of 4 friends in HS, it was pretty easy to narrow down who. Turns out it was just a spam email, and no one was really trying to find me. Great. But while I was on the website I decided to search through the names and see if I recognized anyone. It's difficult because lots of the girls names have changed (due to marriage obviously). But I was suprised to find one of the girls I used to go to lunch with listed. Well sorta. Her name was Kristin Wedige. But I knew her as "psycho" because well, she was just a bit nutty. Well honestly she was nuttier then squirrel poop, but that's ok. She was a girl, and she paid attention to me, so that was A-OK. I remember my senior year her and I used to walk up De Zavala and have our lunch at Burger King. We did that quite often. She was a nice girl, and we had some good conversation. Last I heard she joined the Army (?) and went who knows where. So when I saw "Kristin Wed" on the classmates.com I figured it had to be her, I emailed her, so it's yet to be seen if she will reply. Funny how the years go by and suddenly people pop into your head.
While I'm on the subject of HS, I cannot forget Zoe. She was a girl I met in photography my senior year. We got along great, and she was a good friend that year. We even went to state for Photography. My photos sucked, but I believe she went on to win awards. She was a talented girl, as I'm sure she is now. I actually talked to her a couple times over the last 8 years since I graduated and am pleased to know now(I found her blog) that she is alive and well. I haven't seen her since HS, but I will always remember her. I hated HS, but she made the last year of it the best year. It's funny how spending a hour a day with a person (my 0 hour photography class) can make a big difference. I remember others being my friend in class, but when I would see them in the hall they would just ignore me. Was I that much of a nerd? Either way, anytime I saw Z in the hall she would smile and be happy. Judging by the pictures on her blog, she hasn't stopped smiling either.
HS Nerd?

Damn! I was suprised to see a comment from Roy. Welcome!
And yeah I was the same way, a skinny nerd. But it's cool, i think everyone looks back and cringes.
Yeah, your welcome anytime.
Yeah I only remember the people who were cool with me back then. Which is only 2 girls.
Always reading huh? Cool, then I'll make sure to not write the "Roy is a #@&$! hehe. And dude, anything is worthwile here. Look at what I write?
That's such a cute picture.
FB: Hehe..thanks :)
You don't by any chance know Danny Cadena, do you?
that actually sounds really familiar. He went to Clark?
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