well it's that time of the year again. time to head down south for my yearly trip to mexico. the mother land. the place of my familia, (well half of it anyways). this is the third year in a row that I have made my pilgrimage and things are truly different this time. No longer do I have to worry about going to Mexico City to see "Her" and there is no longer anything called "us" It's actually pretty ironic, because it seems like only yesterday that I was writing this. How things have changed since then. But it's for the best, everything that has changed, has changed for the better. It took a little getting used to, but altogether it's better this way. And this time I say that without trying to fool myself that I'm right. Because I know it is true. So here I am again, one year later almost to the day, leaving for Mexico. Guadalajara this time. Seems I can't escape Mexico City though, as I will be there on Thursday for a short visit. Then back to Guadalajara and finally to my beloved Vallarta. My second home that I would prefer be my first. The ocean, the sunsets, the La Marisma Shrimp Tacos. I shall be reunited with my shrimp tacos, and as I promised I will hug the lady who makes them for me. I love you shrimp taco making mexican lady. I know the days will go fast, so I will try to slow down to mexico time, which seems to move twice as slow. I plan on enjoying myself, finally parasailing in Vallarta, and taking lots of great pictures to I can fully remember it. And with a new trip comes new possibilities in the senorita department. My intention for going is not to be on the prowl, but if I meet a nice female then all will be even better. Can it happen? Sure. Will it happen? Don't know. Either way, I will have fun and enjoy myself. I will be back on Thursday the 24th so until then I bid you all adieu. Take care of yourselves out there, whereever on this earth you may be.
I want all the details upon your return.
And I shall provide them for you upon my return Cece.
You're funny... "the La Marisma Shrimp Tacos". But no, seriously... have fun and hope to see you soon.
have fun dude and stay safe.
try to stay out of the gay clubs this time.
What gay clubs? LOL. Did I miss that one?
Apryl, he said thursday...
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