well todays the day. i fly out in a few hours and gaby and sully are going to be there to get me two hours after that. im not really nervous, i mean i figure i've been on flights so many times. but it is weird when your up in the air. this plane is going to be a small one. its a direct flight to mexico city so they don't use the big jets. its weird to me. i've never been able to grasp the concept of flying and covering a long distance in such a short time. we talk and talk and the other person seems millions upon millions of miles away, spending months and years away from each other, missing each other, and wanting to be around that person. the anticipation grows as the day creeps closer, the hours dwindle down. I finish packing and take my final shower before leaving to the airport. then the eternity of the wait for boarding ensues. then we leave. and 1 hour and 39 minutes later I'm flying over mexico city, and landing. simple as that. all that time waiting, all those minutes i watched pass so slowly while sitting at my desk, they all add up to the 1 hour and 39 minutes. when we land, then they speed up. hours seem like minutes, and soon it's the middle of my vacation and the end is near. i hate that, i wish the time could just on and on, and it wouldn't have to end. but i guess if it never ended, then i wouldn't be able to remember it. i have fond memories of past vacations, minutes well spent with the ones i care about. so today will start those minutes, counting down, all the while me recording them in my memory. hope all is well wherever you may be. Adios.
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