Thursday, September 29, 2005

events of a uneventful day

it's thursday, well for one more hour atleast. nothing really important or monumental happened today, but yet it was a eventful day. the following will inform all of you.

woke up at a few times, playing tag with the snooze button on my alarm. finally got out of bed around 5:04 am.

work was hard today. just like everyday.

i burned my hand. again. this time really good to. I've gotten used to the welder sparks bouncing around and some landing in my gloves. but this one was like a meteor from beyond. it's burning mass of molten hot magma just ate through my skin like a fat kid at Cici's Buffet. It hurt.

i banged my elbow really hard on a piece of steel cord. it hurt also. the pain went away though. that was much appreciated. thank you pain.

i slipped putting a clamp on, and smashed my left thumb on a steel hyrdaulic roller. yeah, you guessed it. ouch. it's ok though, i didn't have 100% feeling in that thumb anyways.

if you haven't noticed I work in a place that you can get seriously hurt, very, very easily. they are big on safety though, which is good. you just have to be smart, or nuts. one of the two.

on break i was a bit hungry and i reached into my pocket and pulled out 75 cents. I eyed the last rice crispee treat in the machine and noticed that the price was the exact same amount that I currently attained. Ah yeah, that rice crispee treat was mine. I could already taste it's sticky marshmallowy goodness. I could see the bright blue shiny wrapper shining like a beacon, hear it calling out to me "Robbie, buy me! Rip off my cover and devour me whole!" And as I made my way closer to the machine only one thing stood between me and my processed gooey square of bliss. Another coworker. Lets just call him Davey, since I actually don't know his name anyways (it could very well be Davey). I watched as he put in his money, one quarter, two, three and he stopped there. Hmmmm..ok 75 cents. Then I watched helplessly in slow motion as he extended his finger and pressed the letter D and then the number 7. My eyes glanced over to my cube of contentment, and yes, it too lay under the code D7. He had selected my treat, my reason for living! I had been defeated by such a little person (he really is little) he had given me the proverbial kick in the nuts, and spat on me while I was down. With nothing left to choose, nothing to keep me going, all I could do was select a crummy bag of Cheetos. I normally like Cheetos, but this was much worse then sloppy seconds. Plus, Cheetos for breakfast at 7:30 AM! What nonsense! The worst part about it all, was for the rest of the break I got to watch him eat my joy, bite for bite. Him picking at it with small bites, like a buzzard on fresh roadkill. His "wee beety ittle eyes" just staring off into nothingness, not ever taking a glance at what treasure he was shoving down his gullet. I was insulted, I was hurt, I was still hungry! And as the bell rang to summon us back to work I vowed that I would get back at him, down with Davey! You can keep your D7, your mark of the Devil! I will have my revenge soon, my revolt is close at hand, or atleast until they refill the snack machine.

So then after work I got home. Took a shower and rested. That's about it.

Went to DQ later. Had a Coke, which I chipped in $1.00 of the total $1.39 amount. Ok, so I owe Noe 39 cents. I won't forget, I promise.

What was I talking about? I can't remember.

After all that, I am here now, in the basement of this big house writing this post. It's already past my self inflicted bed time, so I better wrap this up. To all who read this tomorrow, I hope you having a good day. I will be, trying to keep all my fingers on my hand and beat Davey to the vending machine.


Pix said...

Do you have some aloe vera to put on that burn?

And shouldn't you be having something more substantial than vending machine food for breakfast?

I think you need to get yourself a woman. You need looking after.

Roberto Campana said...

CP: yeah just a ordinary day here. The weather is nice, it's like 70-75 during the day and in the 40-50 at night. Sorry to hear about your grandfather, you guys be safe driving.

Pix: The burn is better now, the welder is hot and burns so quick it almost heals itself.

And I usually have a Clif bar which is a nutrition bar. But I ran out.

I need look after? hehe, yeah I guess I do.

Apryl: Yeah thanks, dumb alarm didnt work.

Vero: Yeah and today, he sat right across from me during lunch. I felt like reaching over and strangling him.

Today was better, except I burned my finger pretty good. Ouch.

Cece Martinez said...

You lost the Rice Krispie treat?!


I love those damn things.

Roberto Campana said...

cece: yeah i know, they are awesome. :)