well today started off on the wrong foot off the wrong side of the floor. i got to work at 5:20 am, and got myself ready for the day of lifting and welding. the day didnt disappoint. today was a heavy day, for the most part with heavy steal, steal that didnt lift itself. I would have to say the highlight of the work day, was the hour that we actually were down. One of the machines broke, and we ended up not being able to work for about an hour. It was nice to have a unexpected break. But that just meant that when we were going to get back to work, we were going to work twice as hard. And we did. But you know the work is one thing, the steal is one unforgiving, but atleast you can beat it with a hammer and it doesnt do anything in return. The people on the other hand are something else. I had had enough of everyone today. Between the seemingly endless remarks from the guys I work with, about anything and everything vulgar, it just made the day that much worse. I dont want to sound whiny, because I know there are plenty of other people who deal with much worse on a daily basis. But this can weigh down a person, and it has been weighing a bit on me. I guess just being around that on a daily basis, is getting old and stale. I don't know if I want to take that anymore, I don't I should.
Good Night:

On a positive note though, the night ended in a much better way. We decided to order pizza and invite a good friend over. It was nice to relax, fight and joke with her, and look at her amazing pictures. Really, they were really nice. I didnt tell her for whatever silly reason, but they were really nice. I was impressed. So after some chatting and more fighting and joking, we ended up watching a movie. The feature film of the night was "Serendipity" This is a movie about fate, about destiny, and about finding and losing, and then finding again that person that is your soul mate. Now from past posts, you all know how I feel about fate, and things that are "meant" to happen, or the saying "everything happens for a reason." But I would have to say this movie had a good twist to it. Even though almost from the very start they would end up together, the way they played out the details were really entertaining. And it does remind me of some things that I have gone through, somethings being like they were "scripted" like a movie. But is that not life and love? Either way, it was a good movie, on that I would see again. So after the movie, more talking and joking and conversation. And that is what I really enjoyed, the time spent with good company and good food. Can you get better then that? I dont know too many things better then those two things. Compared to the day, my night was just what I needed. Thanks to all the parties who made the night a enjoyable time, you know who you are.
I Love that movie!!! its one of my fav! I'm really happy u had a good night. : )
That is a cool movie.I love the actor in that movie! What is his name?
After that horrible day you had at work,I agree with CRG and I'm glad you had a good night,too.Maybe today will be better,remember to try and be like a duck in the rain.When problems or insults come to you,just let them roll off your back,don't absorb them.
I can truly symapthise with you. I don't think today will be any better...
CRG: Thanks :)
tia: Thanks for the advice.
Mike: today wasnt as bad.
Men who work with heavy metal are HOT.
cece: then I'm HOT. hehe.
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