Disclaimer: This will be a serious post. I don't write many, so pay attention. Also, please don't comment and tell me that I'm being too hard on myself and how I'm not like this. I am not always thoughtful and kind, this I know, so this post is for those times that I'm not.
Well I've been doing some thinking. Big suprise I know. But I've been doing some kind of self examination and have come up with some areas I have to work on. No, not my abs. Well yeah, them, but I mean seriously. I have noticed that in my humor, which can be a mix of dry wit and sarcasm, I can take it too far. I can take it to the point where feelings get hurt, and people actually do get angry. And believe me: THIS IS NOT MY INTENTION. Sometimes I do like to push people's buttons, granted I am quite good at it. But like I said, sometimes I do take it too far. To a level I shouldn't be taking it to. I don't know if it's me trying to be funnier and funnier and then I start actually picking on people, or maybe I myself become "playfully condescending" and start to put people down. Whatever the case is, you have to honestly believe in my heart, that THIS IS NOT MY INTENTION. Sometimes I even wonder myself, "Why can't I just be nice to this person?" Is it some sort of subconscience insecurity? Am I threatened by them? To the fact that I have to completely disarm them of any things they can harm me with? Every once in a while these questions haunt me, and I really strive to correct and alter my thinking. Am I bitter to the world for my lot in life and I feel I have to take it out on innocent people? Am I just plain mean? I know I can be a nice person, I know I can be a really considerate person, but for some reason I end up being a bit too sarcastic or too dry and witty. So lately (as in starting right now) I am going to tone it town a bit. I will strive to be witty, and funny, and all those positives things that I would like to be, but just not at the expense of others. I really feel bad for that, for the people I have said some really rude things too, and then played it off with a "Oh I'm just joking, you know that!" Yes, I may be joking, but people don't deserve that kind of treatment even if I am. So then, to all out there who I have been overly sarcastic too, to those who I may have been rude and unthoughtful too, this is my apology. I'm sorry. I really am, to anger and to hurt is not what I intended. I will work on that, I promise, I will give that part of me a good tweeking until I get it right. After all I am nothing but a work in progress.
19 For the good that I wish, I do not do, but the bad that I do not wish is what I practice. 20 If, now, what I do not wish is what I do, the one working it out is no longer I, but the sin dwelling in me.
21 I find, then, this law in my case: that when I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me. 22 I really delight in the law of God according to the man I am within, 23 but I behold in my members another law warring against the law of my mind and leading me captive to sins law that is in my members. 24 Miserable man that I am! Who will rescue me from the body undergoing this death?
thanks? I think?
hehe :)
I LOVE your humor!
You crack me up. Seriously.
Especially in person.
And I swear, in person, you look like Andrew McCarthy in his younger hot days too.
Either way.
Cece: Thanks :) I guess I agree with what Apryl said, most people i play around with can take it (your one of those who can), but this post was for the ones that can't.
Andrew McCarthy?
Just be yourself bro. Some people are too uptight for their own good.
tia: man the bells have been thru a lot. i like name Cuba!
apryl: if we are i want some checks for royalties!
ed: that's so true.
vero: I am sorry! that's no good, you shouldn't have had to get used to people picking on you. Your awesome! I would hang soooo hang out with you too!
Hmmmm... playfully condescending. That sounds familiar.
We are a victim of our enviroment. (And I don't mean that in a mean way.) And I think many people tend to heighten their sarcasam or whatever out of nervousness, playfullness, or insecurities. That's not a bad thing... it's just how we deal with life. Some people giggle too much or are more shy or just can't stop talking when under different circumstances. With everything we all just need to learn where to draw the line with every person we talk to, cause everyone has different limits.
And, No, you didn't hurt me feelings the other night.(just so you know.)
Touché, MK. Touché.
California Girl: Well put.
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