Before I get into my list, first things first:
October 31st - that is my date of birth
I got to the party and I did the Smurf
Ok, now down to business, cause it's all about Me, Right?
Three ways that I am stereotypically female
1. I talk too much (way too much)
2. I like to match
3. I can think before I speak (sometimes)
Three ways that I am stereotypically male
1. I am stubborn
2. I enjoy sports
3. I don't listen as much as I should
Three names I go by
1. Robbie
2. Robert
3. Robbie Kendall Bell (said in a playfully condescending way)
Three parts of my heritage
1. Mexican
2. English
3. Texan
Three physical things I like about myself
1. My Eyes
2. My Sideburns
3. My Height
Three physical things I dont like about myself
1. My Gutt
2. My Gutt
3. My Gutt
Three things that scare me
1. Not being able to Love
2. Friends and Family being hurt
3. Running out of time
Three of my everyday essentials
1. God
2. Breathing
3. Eating
Three LIES
1. I dont enjoy her company
2. I like olives
3. I get enough sleep as I should
1. I do enjoy her company
2. I dont like olives
3. I stay up too late
Three things I want in a relationship
1. Love
2. Trust
3. Honesty & Laughter
Three physical things about women that appeal to me
1. Eyes
2. Laugh
3. Booty
Three of my favorite hobbies
1. Writing
2. Music
3. Good Conversations
Three things I want to do really badly now
1. Sleep
2. Talk
3. Sleep
Three careers Ive considered
1. Garbage Man
2. Insurance Salesman
3. Male Model (the before picture)
Three places I want to go on vacation
1. Vienna, Italy (I hear its nice in the spring)
2. Alaska
3. Hawaii
Three things I want to do before I die
1. Get Married (yes I know, I know)
2. Teach my wife how to skip rocks (if she doesnt already know)
3. Live Lou Reed's "Perfect Day"
Three celebrity crushes
1. Claire Forlani
2. Kate Beckinsale
3. Salma Hayek
Three suckers who got tagged
1. Cece
2. Ruben
3. Vero (you better do this!)
You must be tired,because thats 4 things you listed in a relationship and doen't she spell her name SELMA?
But who likes a picky person?
Happy belated birthday bro. Hope you had fun, smurf and all.
Apryl: hehe. Your bad!
Krazy: No it's Salma.
Ed and Vero: Ok, I hate to break it too you, but it's not my birthday. I was born in April. I just say that lyric every October 31st, well because that's what the lyric says. It's from a old Beastie Boys song. Sorry for the confusion!
Yeah, I do enjoy her company too and I'm pretty sure she enjoys yours.
Apryl..... Junior man.... you are soooo not funny.
Krazy..... I like picky people... it shows that they have taste. Well, not too picky, I guess.
Roberto..... You must be sweet on this girl.
Hey,Jane.... watch it!
Jane: Really? You think so? I dont know? Maybe :)
M&M Girl: Me? Sweet on her? Nonsense! Never! Not ever ever ever!
CP: dream job huh?
Cece: You better do it!
Ruben: You better do it too!
Vero: I dont think I knew your bday anyways.
And no, I havent posted about her. maybe soon. i havent decided.
CP: Sounds Good. And you want me to work for you?
Vero: Well update it more then once a month and I will read it!
Vero: hehe :)
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