well it seems like the weekend had just started, and now it's already over. here I sit on a Sunday night, knowing that I will have to wake up in a bit to start a whole new work week. joy. I don't mind the work, it's just well, I don't know. nevermind, my thoughts aren't very clear on that.
well speaking of the weekend, mine was pretty nice. friday I got off work and rested a bit. I cleaned my room (it wasn't all that messy anyways) and my cousin was cleaning her house. that night we had Melissa over (the girl who had the M&M shirt on)for dinner. We also had Chas and his little sister over too. we all had a good time, got to watch Melissa and Chas bicker at each other and zing each other with insults. Then after a while Chas and his sister left and we got to chat with Melissa a bit and get to know her a bit better. She sounds like a pretty cool girl, a bit sarcastic, blunt, and playfully condescending, but hey? who doesn't like that? I didn't take anything personal. I rather people be honest then play games. So overall, it was a fun night. She left knowing a bit more about me (probably more then she intended) and vice versa.
Saturday we actually went into town and ate at a mexican restaurant and watched a movie. We saw "Flightplan" and for those you who like Jodie Foster when she is running scared you will like this movie. Almost like "Panic Room" but instead of a room, it is replaced with a airliner. I think it was pretty good though, a bit predictable, but good nonetheless. After the movie we headed over to Walmart to pick up some groceries for the week and other things we needed. I actually got me a frame for my picture of vallarta (that I ordered as a poster) and some new speakers for my room. Oh how I love my speakers. Altec Lansing, you are a beautiful company, I swear, if I ever have children I will recommend they all work for your company. Heck, you can take them when they are "of age" and train them in your ancient ways. I'm sure you could provide a better life for them then I ever could. Just remember to "follow your stars." hehe, i'm stupid. (if CRG is reading this, this is her cue to agree with me.)
Sunday came out of the blue, creeping up on me like a bad tequila hangover. Today we actually went fishing at Pine Lake. Yeah I know, me the city boy, fishing. Actually I didn't do half bad, I did it all bad! Well actually I got a hang of it pretty fast (I have fished before). But usually when you fish, you tend to actually CATCH FISH. But today they weren't biting, or well, they weren't biting my worm. Hehe. Nevermind. So what do I do when fish aren't biting? Skip rocks to disturb other people's fishing! I got some good skips in today, I would say it was about a 7 on the old skip o' rock o' meter. If there was such a thing. There is, I just made it up. So there. After the lake we went to a pizza/hamburger joint, which was suprisingly really good. I would go back. So today was a pretty good day, had fun, got to skip rocks, fought with my cousin's cousin (CRG) a whole bunch and ate some good food.
Now as I get to wake up at 4:45 AM I can't sigh and shake my head in regret. It was a pretty good weekend, heck I can't complain. I mean I could, but I won't. :)
This is going to sound dumb but uh...when are you coming for a visit?
Cece: I have no idea :)
Ruben: uhhh...not quite. she is a friend though, so I'll take that :)
Apryl: Everyone, Apryl will take most of the pictures you see on here. I don't have a digital camera (or any photography talent) so it will be all her.
Don't you ever feel like your standing in a group of people and everyone is talking about you as if your not there?
M&M Girl: Is this the real you? Answer this question. What were you wearing that day me and April picked u up?
And technically you weren't here. And if it's really you, then welcome.
Green shirt with dark blue pants. It's me.
Ok, it was you. :)
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