Six in the morning. Been up all night at work. Almost got attacked by a german shepard dog on the walk home. Its 40 degrees outside and windy. I go to sleep as the sun is coming up. I can see the coming dawn as I lay on my bed and look out the windows. I go to work when its dark, I leave work when its dark, and I try to fit some living in between. i know this schedule all too well. the stars here are amazing. they alone make it all worth while.
I use to work that shift,too.It
Was always my favorite.Not many people can do it. We are special.
kata: yeah, you aint lying.
The worst shift work I ever did was the 3 to 11pm shift followed by a 7am to 3pm shift--not fun! My mom worked nights and her days and nights got all mixed up--yours? I suppose if it is continually the same shift, you can adjust, but my mom would work only 5 days in 2 weeks--it really messed stuff up!
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