As I write this I sit on the love seat here in the living room. I am home from work, feeling sick with a headache and the beginning signs of what could be the flu. It is cold outside, everything covered in snow from the slight blizzard we appear to be having. I am not used to snow, that is obvious. But even though I lack the experience of the locals around here, Id like to think I appreciate it much more. Because I am not used to it, I see much more beauty in it. How it covers over everything, how it can make even the ugliest and dirtiest of mans creation appear white and clean. Almost innocent. I actually long for a long cold winter, just so I can experience what everyone keeps telling me as what "used to be" How the winters back when they were young, and how much different they are now. I pray this winter is not out of character and that it proves to be one of old.
And if you think that I am avoiding talking about the latest news about me by talking about snow, then you be correct. But that is my right. It is my blog, and I have the power. So if you dont like it, poopy on you.
Its just some parts of the news are sensitive, and I dont know if its right to share. I think I will have to get the OK before I decide to post any info. I am not one for asking permissions, but in this case, the subject matter means a very great deal to me, and I dont want to do anything against that.
Confused yet? I think I am. My head is feeling clouded just thinking about it. I drank a Cherry Pepsi, so maybe that will help. I think a bean and cheese taco from La Cocinita would really help me think straight. As Steph said, if only they could invent teleporting.
I now have six zipper sweatshirts. I feel like I should be the poster child for them. Maybe endorse them as my favorite type of clothing. I laugh when I think back to my early days of owning just one. How did I survive back then? Without the choice of color or style?
Old Navy jeans are the best for me. Although some of you might prefer Levis or Lee Dungarees or even Express, I have decided Old Navy jeans are my promise land. They fit my body style just right, tight in all the right places. If only I could have more pairs.
I need a haircut. I long to shave off my hair, and leave a short buzz look. But then again, I think maybe a long look would be nice.
I think about one day owning a home here in Iowa Falls. I still stick to the thought of not knowing what to do with all the space I would receieve, but then again I know I would come up with ways to clutter it. I would find ways to fill rooms with all kinds of decoration and color. To have my own place would be nice, a place to come home to. A place where I could fill the cabinets with zebra cakes, and all sorts of unhealthy trans fat filled snacks. A place where I could be warm and toasty on the couch, and know it was all mine. Or Ours.
Speaking of that, today I suprised myself. As we (me, mike, apryl and lily) were driving I was talking about something. Making a joke, I pointed to a house and said, "and that's where we will live, were going to buy that house. the owners dont know yet, but we are going to live there." I laughed at the silliness of my thought, but then shuddered at the fact that I had used the word "we" instead of "i" Already somehow assuming that I will have a significant other. Hmmm. Funny how the mind jumps so far into the future that you cant even see it from a high height. That thought will be thoroughly analyzed, I promise.
Talked to Steph. Good to hear she is doing good. Actually her visit somehow gave me a different impression of her. A good one though. I hope she is doing well. Anyone who can put up with me for a week deserves to be doing well.
Well that is all for now. Hope everyone is warm and safe wherever they might be.
I hope you feel better soon! Get plenty of rest and eat chicken soup!
I hope we have a long ,cold ,winter and we get snowed in for weeks and have to burn the furniture just to stay warm!
I hope to have a house someday in the future , but it will most likely be in the distant future,like maybe 53 years.
Hey bro, hope you feel better soon. Just getting over a cold myself. I wish I could spend a snow covered winter somewhere too, but I live in that's highly unlikely. Have a good one.
California winter here. I am in shorts. Life is crazy and I feel like you do so very often. My brains seems to swim in a vat of thoughts made up of my future, my past, my strengths and my weaknesses. Today I will write a couple of newspaper articles and I will listen to music and try to feel whole and alive.
Have a nice day. Feel better. Smile.
Tia: Thanks, I went to the doctor and got some medication. So hopefully I will feel better soon.
Ed: Thanks also. Yeah its still snowing a bit outside. Its really pretty.
Ruben: Yeah, I know that feeling all too well. Being lost in your thoughts, and the constant thoughts of what was, and what is, and what could be. I feel like writing so I just might. That and listen to some good music.
apryl: quite possibly. (most likely not though.
hmm... different impression.. but good...
steph: yeah, its a good one :)
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