Tuesday, November 30, 2004

another lovely tuesday

im not mad. i promise. just too much on my mind, too much stuff. sometimes i think i will never be where i want to be. it's just so frustrating, even though i don't feel frustrated now. i wish they still had the star wars game at the arcade up the street. i would go blow up the death star and kill some tie fighters during lunch, and I would feel better! but they got rid of the game, of all the games, they got rid of mine. MINE! that was MY GAME! I OWNED IT! if it could talk it would call me PAPI cause i beat the game and took out so much frustration on that poor thing. I'm going to have to buy the arcade game and put it in my future apartment. yeah i know i'm 24 and i'm supposed to be all mature, but I don't care, i want an arcade game in my apartment. so ha. here's something I wrote years ago about the bimbo lara. hehe.

Can’t stand the air in here
It smells of your scent
Open a window let it go quietly
The same manner in which you went.

Frustrated from the diction
Or the lack there of,
Feeling ashamed for my predilection
Never believing the concept of being in love.

To talk it over, is to over talk it,
We’ll end up in the same predicament
You feeling elated
And me left discontent.

1 comment:

Roberto Campana said...

yeah i remember playing the original stars wars arcade game at a movie theater my dad would take us too called The Galaxy. I'm glad i have that good memory of him, since the good ones are few and far between. when the new game came out i was so excited. i love that dumb game.