and in my mind as i was floating;
far above the clouds;
some children laughed i'd fall for certain;
for thinking that i'd last forever.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
I'm back. A lot has happened since my last post. I'll explain later.
Welcome back! I got your call when I checked my messages last but I left my phone in a condo at a resort. Should be back today. I just wanted to call and say hello. I hope all is well.
Welcome back! I got your call when I checked my messages last but I left my phone in a condo at a resort. Should be back today. I just wanted to call and say hello. I hope all is well.
CP: Good to be back.
Ruben: Yeah, you can call whenever. All is well though. :)
Welcome Back,Your dream was your ticket out.
im waiting! never mess with a sicilian when death is on the line! (okay, so those lines are a bit out of order)
CRG: Shut Up. I wont have to explain to you. U know already. Dork.
Tia: HUH?
Steph: You know also. But your not a dork like CRG. Well I might actually update you on some.
Its a theme song from an old tv show:
"Welcome Back Kotter"
it starred Vinny Barbarino who was played by ____________________
you fill in the blank
Tia: John Travolta.
yeah im cheap like that. im sure mike will appreciate it. every day is taco sunday in my blog.
You are correct sir!
Vinny was played by a very young John Travolta,who {for your info}
is also the father of CRG,and If
you don't beleive me just ask her!
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