Saturday, November 26, 2005


I'm back. A lot has happened since my last post. I'll explain later.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I got your call when I checked my messages last but I left my phone in a condo at a resort. Should be back today. I just wanted to call and say hello. I hope all is well.

Roberto Campana said...

CP: Good to be back.

Ruben: Yeah, you can call whenever. All is well though. :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back,Your dream was your ticket out.

lextc said...

im waiting! never mess with a sicilian when death is on the line! (okay, so those lines are a bit out of order)

Roberto Campana said...

CRG: Shut Up. I wont have to explain to you. U know already. Dork.

Tia: HUH?

Steph: You know also. But your not a dork like CRG. Well I might actually update you on some.

Anonymous said...

Its a theme song from an old tv show:
"Welcome Back Kotter"

it starred Vinny Barbarino who was played by ____________________

you fill in the blank

Roberto Campana said...

Tia: John Travolta.

Roberto Campana said...

yeah im cheap like that. im sure mike will appreciate it. every day is taco sunday in my blog.

Krazy said...


You are correct sir!

Vinny was played by a very young John Travolta,who {for your info}
is also the father of CRG,and If
you don't beleive me just ask her!