it's thursday, well for one more hour atleast. nothing really important or monumental happened today, but yet it was a eventful day. the following will inform all of you.
woke up at a few times, playing tag with the snooze button on my alarm. finally got out of bed around 5:04 am.
work was hard today. just like everyday.
i burned my hand. again. this time really good to. I've gotten used to the welder sparks bouncing around and some landing in my gloves. but this one was like a meteor from beyond. it's burning mass of molten hot magma just ate through my skin like a fat kid at Cici's Buffet. It hurt.
i banged my elbow really hard on a piece of steel cord. it hurt also. the pain went away though. that was much appreciated. thank you pain.
i slipped putting a clamp on, and smashed my left thumb on a steel hyrdaulic roller. yeah, you guessed it. ouch. it's ok though, i didn't have 100% feeling in that thumb anyways.
if you haven't noticed I work in a place that you can get seriously hurt, very, very easily. they are big on safety though, which is good. you just have to be smart, or nuts. one of the two.
on break i was a bit hungry and i reached into my pocket and pulled out 75 cents. I eyed the last rice crispee treat in the machine and noticed that the price was the exact same amount that I currently attained. Ah yeah, that rice crispee treat was mine. I could already taste it's sticky marshmallowy goodness. I could see the bright blue shiny wrapper shining like a beacon, hear it calling out to me "Robbie, buy me! Rip off my cover and devour me whole!" And as I made my way closer to the machine only one thing stood between me and my processed gooey square of bliss. Another coworker. Lets just call him Davey, since I actually don't know his name anyways (it could very well be Davey). I watched as he put in his money, one quarter, two, three and he stopped there. Hmmmm..ok 75 cents. Then I watched helplessly in slow motion as he extended his finger and pressed the letter D and then the number 7. My eyes glanced over to my cube of contentment, and yes, it too lay under the code D7. He had selected my treat, my reason for living! I had been defeated by such a little person (he really is little) he had given me the proverbial kick in the nuts, and spat on me while I was down. With nothing left to choose, nothing to keep me going, all I could do was select a crummy bag of Cheetos. I normally like Cheetos, but this was much worse then sloppy seconds. Plus, Cheetos for breakfast at 7:30 AM! What nonsense! The worst part about it all, was for the rest of the break I got to watch him eat my joy, bite for bite. Him picking at it with small bites, like a buzzard on fresh roadkill. His "wee beety ittle eyes" just staring off into nothingness, not ever taking a glance at what treasure he was shoving down his gullet. I was insulted, I was hurt, I was still hungry! And as the bell rang to summon us back to work I vowed that I would get back at him, down with Davey! You can keep your D7, your mark of the Devil! I will have my revenge soon, my revolt is close at hand, or atleast until they refill the snack machine.
So then after work I got home. Took a shower and rested. That's about it.
Went to DQ later. Had a Coke, which I chipped in $1.00 of the total $1.39 amount. Ok, so I owe Noe 39 cents. I won't forget, I promise.
What was I talking about? I can't remember.
After all that, I am here now, in the basement of this big house writing this post. It's already past my self inflicted bed time, so I better wrap this up. To all who read this tomorrow, I hope you having a good day. I will be, trying to keep all my fingers on my hand and beat Davey to the vending machine.
and in my mind as i was floating; far above the clouds; some children laughed i'd fall for certain; for thinking that i'd last forever.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
another something i wrote
how you form your words
those looks i could never understand
how you shake when you laugh
with rings on both your hands
your silent meditation
how you clean when life is out of control
you seem to have a good heart
the one I tried so hard to console
but friends we remain
after years of running in place
wondering if you'll do the seeking
or blame yourself and create space
maybe I'll see you soon
but I won't go out of my way
friday will be here before you know it
much to your apathetic dismay.
those looks i could never understand
how you shake when you laugh
with rings on both your hands
your silent meditation
how you clean when life is out of control
you seem to have a good heart
the one I tried so hard to console
but friends we remain
after years of running in place
wondering if you'll do the seeking
or blame yourself and create space
maybe I'll see you soon
but I won't go out of my way
friday will be here before you know it
much to your apathetic dismay.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
I almost forgot...

I was going to write this lastnight, but I forgot. Lastnight at DQ (Dairy Queen) I ran into a friend of my cousin's. She's actually one of the only people here my age (or close atleast) and she seems like a pretty cool person. I don't know her very well, but she seems like she has a great personality (she laughed at my jokes people!) So anyways, she was wearing the above shirt, which of course with me next to her made for a big laugh. Even I could not help but think it comical. So hopefully I can get to know her a bit better, I'm always up for meeting new interesting people.
100 Things About Me
This wasn't as hard as it seemed. So here it goes.
1. like big butts and I cannot lie.
2. am a chronic liar.
3. did it again.
4. know that women won’t give me the time of day. So I hit on them at night.
5. sometimes wish I would have went to a university. I would have went to Baylor.
6. cut the bottoms of my jeans.
7. love the Pilot G-2 07. It’s my favorite pen.
8. used to never wear brown.
9. still don’t wear any kind of gold jewelry.
10. love watches.
11. prefer them to be metal banded. No leather please.
12. like boot cut jeans.
13. do wear a belt buckle.
14. bite my nails. A lot.
15. don’t “part” my hair to any side.
16. don’t have smelly feet.
17. don’t snore.
18. have had a root canal.
19. feel a bit behind the average 25 yr old.
20. have actually eaten a "Gray's Papaya" Hot Dog. It was delicious like Matthew Perry said.
21. actually do plan on acting out the events in a "Perfect Day" someday.
22. don’t like tomatoes.
23. don’t like Onions either. Sans Onion Rings.
24. could lose a few pounds.
25. have had 2 long distance, international relationships.
26. think James Taylor is a weenie.
27. am not into politics.
28. almost always finish my drink before my food.
29. am not particularly attracted to blondes.
30. will take anything though.
31. enjoy making people laugh.
32. still feel bad about breaking up with a girl 5 years ago.
33. am a trusting person.
34. can be lazy.
35. never remember my dreams.
36. don’t like lemon cookies.
37. seem to have people open up to me, and tell me their problems.
38. am easy to talk to.
39. like Vintage Jazz, but hardly actually listen to it.
40. didn’t know what the word “corpse” meant until I was 12.
41. didn’t learn to swim until I was 11.
42. think Frito Pies are overrated.
43. don’t like keyboard drawers under the desk.
44. prefer leather interior.
45. love M & M Blizzards at DQ.
46. don’t like Big Red very much.
47. honestly know I didn’t give my time in WA enough chance.
48. have visited my mom’s grave only twice in the last 15 years.
49. am part of a family that doesn’t hug very much.
50. actually like my eye color.
51. had a first love named Allison.
52. had my first kiss by a different girl, also named Alison.
53. really do like the name and the song "Alison"
54. once danced in the street.
55. know from experience, that apple juice and Taco Bell don’t mix.
56. do not go for long without a song in my head.
57. have sung "Summer Nights" at a karaoke bar with my friends sister.
58. don’t drink anymore.
59. had a crush on a girl named Zoe in high school.
60. am not a big fan of mustard.
61. like Adidas more then Nike.
62. don’t hold in my sneezes.
63. know money means nothing to me.
64. grew up in a trailer.
65. know my dad was a alcoholic.
66. played with “Hot Wheels” not Matchbox.
67. only had Transformers. No stupid Go-Bots.
68. enjoy the view of the stars here at night.
69. know how to make lasagna.
70. grew up eating Chef Boyardee Raviolis.
71. don’t know if I’ll ever marry.
72. enjoy traveling. But I’ve realized it’s better with a good friend or loved one.
73. call all soda, no matter what brand, “Coke”
74. used to be a glass half empty person. Now it’s vice versa.
75. love the Foo Fighters.
76. will someday live in Mexico.
77. have 20/20 vision.
78. cannot live without sideburns.
79. like to read, but I don’t do it enough.
80. know it’s hard for me to sit down and study. Anything.
81. am a minimalist.
82. am a bit messy most of the time.
83. use sweet & sour sauce with my nuggets and fries.
84. used to chew “Big League Chew” gum.
85. like girls that are shorter then me.
86. can ice skate.
87. prefer Egg Rolls over Crab Rangoons.
88. love girls with accents. Any will do.
89. sleep on a inflatable bed.
90. am hard on myself.
91. don’t know any Kung Fu.
92. used to be pretty good at basketball.
93. love the dirt smell in the air when it rains.
94. consider myself a “Goonie.”
95. used to watch “Pinwheel” when I was a kid.
96. dip my fries in my frostee when I eat at Wendy’s.
97. can’t burp my full name.
98. actually do enjoy long walks on the beach.
99. can love and be loved.
100. am tired, and is going to sleep.
1. like big butts and I cannot lie.
2. am a chronic liar.
3. did it again.
4. know that women won’t give me the time of day. So I hit on them at night.
5. sometimes wish I would have went to a university. I would have went to Baylor.
6. cut the bottoms of my jeans.
7. love the Pilot G-2 07. It’s my favorite pen.
8. used to never wear brown.
9. still don’t wear any kind of gold jewelry.
10. love watches.
11. prefer them to be metal banded. No leather please.
12. like boot cut jeans.
13. do wear a belt buckle.
14. bite my nails. A lot.
15. don’t “part” my hair to any side.
16. don’t have smelly feet.
17. don’t snore.
18. have had a root canal.
19. feel a bit behind the average 25 yr old.
20. have actually eaten a "Gray's Papaya" Hot Dog. It was delicious like Matthew Perry said.
21. actually do plan on acting out the events in a "Perfect Day" someday.
22. don’t like tomatoes.
23. don’t like Onions either. Sans Onion Rings.
24. could lose a few pounds.
25. have had 2 long distance, international relationships.
26. think James Taylor is a weenie.
27. am not into politics.
28. almost always finish my drink before my food.
29. am not particularly attracted to blondes.
30. will take anything though.
31. enjoy making people laugh.
32. still feel bad about breaking up with a girl 5 years ago.
33. am a trusting person.
34. can be lazy.
35. never remember my dreams.
36. don’t like lemon cookies.
37. seem to have people open up to me, and tell me their problems.
38. am easy to talk to.
39. like Vintage Jazz, but hardly actually listen to it.
40. didn’t know what the word “corpse” meant until I was 12.
41. didn’t learn to swim until I was 11.
42. think Frito Pies are overrated.
43. don’t like keyboard drawers under the desk.
44. prefer leather interior.
45. love M & M Blizzards at DQ.
46. don’t like Big Red very much.
47. honestly know I didn’t give my time in WA enough chance.
48. have visited my mom’s grave only twice in the last 15 years.
49. am part of a family that doesn’t hug very much.
50. actually like my eye color.
51. had a first love named Allison.
52. had my first kiss by a different girl, also named Alison.
53. really do like the name and the song "Alison"
54. once danced in the street.
55. know from experience, that apple juice and Taco Bell don’t mix.
56. do not go for long without a song in my head.
57. have sung "Summer Nights" at a karaoke bar with my friends sister.
58. don’t drink anymore.
59. had a crush on a girl named Zoe in high school.
60. am not a big fan of mustard.
61. like Adidas more then Nike.
62. don’t hold in my sneezes.
63. know money means nothing to me.
64. grew up in a trailer.
65. know my dad was a alcoholic.
66. played with “Hot Wheels” not Matchbox.
67. only had Transformers. No stupid Go-Bots.
68. enjoy the view of the stars here at night.
69. know how to make lasagna.
70. grew up eating Chef Boyardee Raviolis.
71. don’t know if I’ll ever marry.
72. enjoy traveling. But I’ve realized it’s better with a good friend or loved one.
73. call all soda, no matter what brand, “Coke”
74. used to be a glass half empty person. Now it’s vice versa.
75. love the Foo Fighters.
76. will someday live in Mexico.
77. have 20/20 vision.
78. cannot live without sideburns.
79. like to read, but I don’t do it enough.
80. know it’s hard for me to sit down and study. Anything.
81. am a minimalist.
82. am a bit messy most of the time.
83. use sweet & sour sauce with my nuggets and fries.
84. used to chew “Big League Chew” gum.
85. like girls that are shorter then me.
86. can ice skate.
87. prefer Egg Rolls over Crab Rangoons.
88. love girls with accents. Any will do.
89. sleep on a inflatable bed.
90. am hard on myself.
91. don’t know any Kung Fu.
92. used to be pretty good at basketball.
93. love the dirt smell in the air when it rains.
94. consider myself a “Goonie.”
95. used to watch “Pinwheel” when I was a kid.
96. dip my fries in my frostee when I eat at Wendy’s.
97. can’t burp my full name.
98. actually do enjoy long walks on the beach.
99. can love and be loved.
100. am tired, and is going to sleep.
Monday, September 26, 2005
poetry that i didnt write

I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
And I water'd it in fears,
Night & morning with my tears;
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.
And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright;
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine,
And into my garden stole
When the night had veil'd the pole:
In the morning glad I see
My foe outstretch'd beneath the tree.
Friday, September 23, 2005
random memory of the day
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
New Job for a New Me
Well I started the new job at SMI yesterday. And I have to admit, it's hard. I knew it was going to be, but I hadn't realized how much until now. Yesterday was my first day, and I had a bang up crash course in how to put together a joist. Don't worry folks, all the joist came out ok, no Wal-Marts will be caving in anytime soon. But the first day was hard, as it is anywhere you work. Today though was better. Well I guess I should tell you what I do now, I am what is called a Rigger. I rig joists. For those of you who don't know what a joist is, next time your in a Wal-Mart, look up. The long metal girder things that span across the ceiling, those are joists. I make those. Well not me alone, but the line that I'm on makes those. I'm on the A Line, so my technical name is A-Line Rigger. What we do is simple. Let me explain: See there is long table, which is called the rigging table, and and it has these things called jigs that sit on top of it. These jigs span the whole length of the rigging table, which itself is probably a hundred or more feet. Then on either side of the rigging table, is rollers that bring in steel, which is in the shape of the letter L. There is usually six guys working the rigging table, three on each side spread out. Two guys take the front (one on either side) and two in the middle and so on. Each of us has our own tacking torch, or tacking welder as some say. So then as the steel rolls in on the rollers, three on each side pick up the steel and lift it up over their heads and sit it down in the jigs. Then the other side does the same, so it ends up looking like two flat railroad tracks. Then comes the webbing. The two front guys start on the front webbing, the middle guy, which they call mid-web, does his webbing and the back guys the back. Webbing is smaller pieces of steal that we lay in a kind of zig zag formation, and get welded into place. Then after all the tacking is down, we put down our torches and pick up another piece of steel to put on top. This we dont weld, but but we put clamps on it, to hold it in place. This happens on both sides. So then once all the clamps are done, we make sure everyone is ready, and the lead rigger hits a foot pedal and the hydralic pumps push the joist up, allowing us to pick it up and put it on its side. Then using the rollers in the rigging table, we roll it down the line to the welding pit to be welded for good. This whole process takes less then 5 minutes, and is pretty fast paced. Not too mention dirty. I start at 5:30 AM and by 8:30 am I am covered in black soot and dirt from the steel. It's a dirty job, but yes someone has to do it. And I guess that someone one is now me. So anyways, that's that. I get home now around 1:35 pm, and I am sore and dirty and stinky, and it's great. I am actually now enjoying it more then sitting on my butt in the help desk. I don't get paid as much, but I feel like I have actually accomplished something at the end of the day. Not to mention I get a heck of a workout and the chance to learn some welding. It's been cool so far, and it's only the second day. Hopefully it will all be good in the future. We'll see.

These are photos of me after I got home yesterday. I think I look goofy, but my cousin insisted I take pictures after my first day. I actually didn't get that dirty on my first day.

These are photos of me after I got home yesterday. I think I look goofy, but my cousin insisted I take pictures after my first day. I actually didn't get that dirty on my first day.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
rednecks and whiteout

im here in the library again, and i was checking my email when i heard a very loud "uh huh, yeah, wight tare...wight tare, uh huh." I looked over the little cubicle wall and found a blonde little boy who is maybe 9 or 10 (tops) sitting on the other side. this is no normal little boy. blonde hair, and bright blue eyes, huge ears and what i thought had to be fake teeth. they couldn't be real, they were already yellow, and spaced far apart like those plastic ones you buy when you are trying to look like a "authentic" redneck. but no, alas they were his real teeth. these huge things were what seemed to be impairing his speech, "wight tare" coming out of his mouth, when he wanted to say "right there." To top it off he already had some fake tattoos on his arms, and a Nascar "Dale Earnhardt #8" hat over messed up hair. To top it off, he wore huge bottle cap thick lenses and when he squinted his upper lip seemed to be too small for his gums, and exposed his huge teeth. And he sat along side what I could only assume was his mother, who with her female mullet and old jogging pants stared blankly at the screen. If that wasn't enough I heard the mother ask the librarian about information on where she could find online information about home schooling. Great. As if the kid wasn't already in enough trouble for his less then stellar appearance, he was going to have his ma teach him some ejukashun.
I guess Iowa is no exception to the redneck population. If anything there seems to be an abundance here. Around here I am considered Mexican not Wexican or Hispanic, but Mexican. I had some one ask me if I was a US Citizen the other day. I guess I just have to stand back and laugh, how funny the white people are here. I can see how when my cousin's cousins (who are mexican) say when it comes to girls, up here has what they call "white out" which has nothing to do with snow. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to get used to it all, it's amusing, and makes me feel even that much more brown.
Friday, September 09, 2005
I'm Here, and I'm on the Mend

Well everyone, things have changed once again. As I write this post, I am sitting in the public library in Iowa Falls, Iowa. Now I know what your thinking. Iowa? What? Why Iowa? Well as it turns out, I needed a break. A break from the big city, a break from unemployment, a break from it all. So I came here, to Iowa Falls, Iowa. It's a bit drastic change, coming from San Antonio which is about 2 million people to a town that has about 5200. But it was a welcome change, a change from the hectic life and stresses of the big city, to a more simpler, calmer life style. The weather here isn't too bad right now either, I think their definition of "sooo hot" was about 84 degrees. So then I'm sure some of you have questions, WHY? probably being the first one. Well there are many reasons, but the first one and the most important one is because I needed change. I didn't like how I was living in SA, I didn't like the people I knew, and I just wasn't happy there. I don't expect being here in a smaller town to all of a sudden be a huge source of fun and happiness, but it is a bit more relaxing. It gives me some oppurtunities that I was lacking in SA. Like work. I already have a job here, and it's been less then a week. That was one of major reasons I had thought about moving here, for work and the fact that I can actually "save" money here, where as in the big city I was prone to spend it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that my mind has changed. I am no longer all about the big city, and all the things that it offers. I just don't care about those things anymore. Now don't get me wrong, I love San Antonio, I love Texas, I love the fact that I'm from there, and I am proud of my hometown. But my relationship with the city had kind of soured lately. It's always been a love/hate relationship, and lately it had been more hate then love. So I knew it was time to go. I had a good oppurtunity to come up here for a year (yes only a year or so) and work hard and catch up on things I had slacked on. So I did it. It was my decision to make, and I made it. So to everyone back in Texas, I will miss you but don't worry I will be ok. I'm calmer, I'm happier and I have goals ahead of me to work on. So as the next year unfolds I'll still keep everyone updated, same crazy me, just now a new place. I'm sure my crazy life will find something to throw at me, it's never disappointed me so far.
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