this is a post I've been wanting to do for a while now. i was watching Lewis Black the other day and heard this. I was laughing so hard. I figured I would check this phenomenon out on the net, and lo and and behold someone had investigated his claim, and yes, proved it true. Here is the documented photographic proof. Can you imagine this? A Starbucks across the street from another Starbucks? Why? What possible reason can they possibly have for doing this? Just for the heck of it? I'm can understand that Starbucks is a franchise, and have many different owners. But did these two owners actually consciously decide to do this? Did they team up and say, "hey you know what would be funny?!" Why? Why people, why?!! Do the citizens of Houston love coffee so bad that they need to have one on every corner of the street? And Lewis Black stated that only one type of people will ever benefit from this. Who you might say? People with Alzheimer's. How you might ask? Imagine Grandpa driving down the street. It's a cold morning, and he hasn't had his morning cup. Hey how about we pull off and have your warm morning fix. 45 Minutes later, he exits the shop. As the cold winds hits his face he gets a chill down his spine. As he walks to his car, he glances across the street. This is when the Alzheimer's kicks in. There it is, in all it's glory, another Starbucks. Does he laugh to himself? Does he get in his car and continue along on his merry way? Does he question WHY there is a exact same starbucks across the street? No. He thinks, "man it sure is cold out here, I could go for a warm cup of joe." WHAT!!!!! WHY!!!! As so he goes, to other side for a warm cup of joe on this cold winter's day. And so the cycle goes on, and on, and on. Poor Grandpa, stuck in the cycle of the evil starbuck owners, each one sucking him in with their tractor beams of moccachoccalattetheyarethedevilfrappuccinogrande.

(click on picture for bigger view)
Now folks, don't blame me for this. Now this is a evil that not even i can dream up. I'm not a avid coffee drinker. As a matter of fact, I hardly drink the stuff. And I am not out to poke fun at Alzheimers sufferers. That is not my intention. My only intention is just to pass on the information that Mr. Black has come across himself. The REAL enemy ladies and gentlemen, is the owner's of the starbucks. And, maybe the zoner for this part of houston. They HAD to know this was going to happen. Who let this occur? Who's Responsible? For now the names will go unknown, the approvers of this will get away. Considering I myself don't live to far from Houston, and I plan to make a couple more trips there in the near future, I will myself go to see this with my own eyes. Maybe if I stand directly between them I will be beamed to another dimension or some far way galaxy and nebula? Impossible? Sound far fetched? That's what they said to Columbus! That's what they whispered behind the Wright Brother's back! And yes that's they said when Lewis Black first brought this to the public. And look at that outcome! Until then friends, I beg you, be careful, be watchful. For we never know now where these developers are planning their next starbucks attack. Put the Terror Level Scale at Red, go to DEFCON (DEFense CONdition) numero 1. None of us are safe.
1 comment:
Walk? Your a Runner Vero! You will be running to the starbucks. 10 Miles away? No Problem!
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